CBD oil and Your Lungs

CBD has been a product that’s quickly getting the attention of both consumers and researchers worldwide. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that CBD and its many products are really challenging the healthcare field to examine and hopefully improve upon current treatment options for various ailments. As of late, a topic that has been bandied about amongst many health professionals pertains to the benefits that CBD provides for the lungs in the way of treatment and prevention.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis and hemp plants. In many cases, CBD is preferred before smoking marijuana because of the way the compound is cultivated and extracted. Due to this scientifically inclined extraction process, the compound which is responsible for causing people to be high is completely taken out of the equation. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is nearly removed altogether from the CBD extract, allowing people to enjoy all of the benefits of the cannabis plant without having to endure the effects of being high. For this purpose, CBD is sought out exclusively out of all the hundreds of other chemical compounds found within the cannabis and hemp plants, including THC.

CBD and lung cancer

Through the consequence of various studies, CBD has repeatedly shown that it is a viable option in the fight against cancer; this includes the second leading cause of cancer in the world, lung cancer. It has been proven that CBD’s effects on tumors and cancerous cells are more than promising. In many cases, CBD has been responsible for shrinking cancerous tumors, and also stunting cell growth and cell proliferation. Studies have even suggested test CBD can even be used in cancer prevention. 

CBD and lung disease

Even in situations where people have lung disease, CBD can be used to reduce the symptoms of the various forms of lung diseases that are presented in the world. CBD contains properties that allow it to aid in the way of inflammation control. Many lung problems come back to one common problem: inflammation; since CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory, it is adept at treating an array of lung problems. 

CBD and Respiratory Illnesses

From COPD to bronchitis, to asthma and other respiratory problems, CBD can make a huge difference. Not only can it improve your breathing ability by dilating your airways, but it can also be used in various methods consumption such as sublingual drops or a vape pen, to offer the effects and relief quickly and efficiently. Health experts have recommended starting with 1–6 mg of CBD per 10 pounds/5kg of body weight. 

If you are interested in promoting the health of your lungs, you should continue to examine the symptom relief that CBD has to offer. As always, be sure to research and inform yourself of the proper dosages for your specific needs.